Christopher Espineli


Phone: (858) 598-3732



Mr. Espineli is a licensed California real estate broker with 14+ years of experience assisting high (HNW) and ultra-high net worth (UHNW) clients as well as corporate clientele. For over a decade, he successfully managed a multi-million-dollar real estate investment portfolio consisting of industrial, retail, and estate properties located across the country. His skills include identification of properties for strategic acquisition and disposition, negotiation of purchase/sale and lease agreements, performance of due diligence and title review, and overall transaction oversight. Before entering the commercial real estate arena, Mr. Espineli specialized in underwriting high risk commercial liability and property/casualty reinsurance at some of the most prestigious insurance carriers and reinsurers. Having been a subject matter expert in underwriting environmental liability related risks, he utilizes his knowledge to acutely evaluate environmental hazards as it pertains to real estate investment. In addition, his insurance background allows him to evaluate loss risks recommend solutions for insurable exposures. Mr. Espineli also owns and operates Equitas Real Estate Advisors and has a long history of supporting both local and national philanthropies.

Specialty Areas

Real Estate Broker

Family Office


University of California, Los Angeles

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Economics

Past Employment Positions

Equitas Real Estate Advisors

Marco Polo, Inc.

Admiral Insurance Group

Swiss Re

Constitution Reinsurance

General Star Management Co.

Located in San Diego, California, Parker Legal Group, PC, represents clients nationwide.

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